Members Login

Members in good standing have access to various on-line documents, resources and services provided by the Monsoon Society. These include the minutes of the Board of Directors and other related documents such as the Bylaws and Constitution of the Society.


Members should login to a browser (Chrome recommended) with their account and go to – most resources they have access to should appear under Team Drives in their folder list (upper left).

Different members have access to different resources depending on what arts, schools and organizations they are affiliated with. For more information, check out the Associations page.

NOTE: You will be asked what account to use – use your Monsoon (or other organizational member) account email, not your personal one. If you don’t know what it is, ask the Monsoon admin.

Board and AGM

Members should familiarize themselves with the current Board of Directors, attend the Annual General Meeting (in-person or remotely), and consider participating on the Board or in a sub-committee. Community is its own reward

Board of Directors of the Monsoon Society

Do not hesitate to contact us at if you need any assistance.